Other Basque Resources

Center for Basque Studies at UNR The William A. Douglass Center for Basque Studies
University of Nevada, Reno

The William A. Douglass Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno is the home for academic studies of the Basque populations of northern Nevada and the Great Basin.

Among the collected material of the Douglass Center for Basque Studies are:



North American Basque Organizations

NORTH AMERICAN BASQUE ORGANIZATIONS, Inc. (a.k.a. N.A.B.O.) was started in 1973 with the intent of helping its member organizations to assist each other in the pursuit of the same objective: the perpetuation of "Basqueness" (Basque culture & identity).

Gure elkartea IPAR AMERIKETAKO EUSKAL ELKARTEAK izenekoa 1973.ean sortu zen. Une hartatik gaur egun arte helburu bera izan du: Elkarte bazkideei laguntzea elkarteek elkarri lagun diezaieten komunean dugun helburua erdiesteko, hau da, euskaltasuna mantendu.